Imagine a mango tree that has only 5 ripe mangoes hanging at its top most branch \. By the foot of the tree there as many as 10 people whose life time goal is to taste the fruit. THe competition so says that whoever is capable of climbing the top most branch can get hold of a fruit for themselves.
Fair competition would imply all the contestants be treated
fairly and making sure that everybody gets the same kind of training before taking
part in the competition. It is to be noted that all the 10 contestants are not
from the same walks of life. Some are rich and some are poor. Some are orphaned
while some are not.
Rakesh who is one among the 10 participants is an orphan and
his family finds it very difficult to meet the ends. Grabbing a mango would
mean that his family gets rid of poverty once and for all. He puts in all his
efforts and makes use of his skill and education to climb the tree. He achieves
what he wished for and is about to grab a fruit for himself along with four
other skilled participants.
Trying to lay their hands on the fruit do they realise that
the fruit is not real as it seemed. The organisers have shifted the location of
the fruit from the branch in the mango tree to that of palm tree standing nearby.
All the contestants are thereby asked to fetch the fruit for
themselves by climbing the palm tree again. Rakesh just like the other
participants had complete knowledge about climbing a mango tree, but a palm
tree was a different arena altogether. The organisers asked the contestants to
prepare for themselves on climbing the palm tree and were not ready to help
when the participants were in need.
Contestants hailing from rich family were able to fend
themselves by buying necessary equipment that would help them in climbing the
palm tree. While other few contestants got sufficient education on climbing the
palm tree through their parents or other influential friends who are well
versed in the field. Rakesh who is orphaned and poor was left out who had no
idea on where to begin.
Even before Rakesh could figure out what actually is
happening, the competition started again and he was left out last in the line. Rakesh
decided to seek justice regarding the competition and fought the issue in the
court. The court of law took a stand against Rakesh and gave a judgement that
stated that the competition was fair and just.
Dejected by the unfair
competition and the injustice implied upon him Rakesh took his life from
falling from the top branch of the mango tree where his dream fruit was
promised and denied to him. Had the competition been fair he would have lived
another day to taste his dream fruit. Had the organisers gave Rakesh the education
that he deserved to climb the palm tree he would have won the competition just like
he did with the mango tree. Had the organisers mentioned about the compulsory
palm tree competition to Rakesh even before he attempted climbing the mango
tree he would have made arrangements to learn something regarding the palm
tree. Had Rakesh been born to a rich father or Had he got some influential
friends who would have taught him something about the palm tree he would have
lived another day.
The mistake was never Rakesh’s who had no control over his
birth or the financial status of his family. The mistake was on the competition
which failed its part to take place in a fair manner. Organisers are to be
blamed again for they failed to give fair education to all the participants
before the competition. Rakesh was brave enough to compete in the first place
despite the burning situation at his house. Rakesh was brave enough to fight
for justice while other participants cringed upon the injustice and stayed at
home. Rakesh was indeed a braveheart who got killed by the unjust system and
unfair competition in his country.
Please note that the story never hints at anything that is
related to NEET. Rakesh is not Anitha. The competition is not the education
system in India. The organisers are definitely not the politicians who enforced NEET. May be NEET was a better idea to produce high quality doctors in the nation. But before enforcing something as big an exam as NEET the government should have made sure that all the aspirants get similar education no matter which system of school they are hailing from. But this story has nothing to do with any of the above points, Rakesh is a pathetic fictional character.